Put on your pin, and count your time!
saw this on reddit it was posted by user morgan_sparlock .
to me honestly this would of been prohibited 10 years ago, but now every dub is obsessed with this website, it's everywhere even a damn iphone cover... ooh they don't approve of idolatry ooh no they don't accept cross veneration thats bullshit to me!!!
its getting to a point that they are venerating this website (company logo) it's their version of the cross.
Put on your pin, and count your time!
i see the watchtower are getting extremely desperate now.http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/25503-injustice-abounds-for-our-dear-russian-brothers/check out the professionally edited video, using professional equipment!
If this WAS an ex-Bible study, where did he get the books, anyway? Hmmm?
The WT says "we removed the literature from the K Hall.... " they did not say that they "destroyed it", did they?
Was this person hired by the WT to make this video, so that they would have something to cry about? Sounds like there needs to be a bit more investigative reporting and fact finding.
saw this on reddit it was posted by user morgan_sparlock .
to me honestly this would of been prohibited 10 years ago, but now every dub is obsessed with this website, it's everywhere even a damn iphone cover... ooh they don't approve of idolatry ooh no they don't accept cross veneration thats bullshit to me!!!
its getting to a point that they are venerating this website (company logo) it's their version of the cross.
Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for the Second World War. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities.[1][2] Although 2.45 million copies were printed, and although the Blitz did in fact take place, the poster was hardly ever publicly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in 2000 at Barter Books, a bookshop in Alnwick. It has since been re-issued by a number of private companies, and has been used as the decorative theme for a range of products.[3]
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Awesome brandnew! So glad your dad did not buckle!
Who's to say that these guys don't scrape the top off of the leftovers, and go party on the weekend, right?!
l thought it might be a good idea to have a quick reference post to remind people of the faults within the jw org.what do others think.
I was thinking about this today, TTWSYF, on my way home from work...
JWs always ask (when you tell them the Borg lies) "Where else will we go?"
I will reply, "Where not only do the leaders not lie, but the followers do not sanciton it"
Who cares if "we know God's name", 'naneee nanee nanaahhhh'.... Well, from your own lips, JW's.... Satan knew God's name too, Why would I want "to sit with men of lies"?
trey bundy: one year of reporting jw child abuse.
it’s been one year since trey bundy first reported the watchtower’s child abuse problems.. twelve months ago the center for investigative reporting (cir) began publishing information about jehovah’s witnesses and their cover-up of child sexual abuse on their website, reveal.
What is so exciting about Trey's next adventure is that:
REVEAL NEWS now has one of the producers of the movie "Spotlight" working with them!!!
(Thanks to Sugar Shane for posting this link! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5727610738835456/happy-v-day-trey-bundys-world-this-article-showed-up-today / https://www.revealnews.org/blog/spotlight-a-valentine-to-investigative-reporting/ )
All of her talents will be invaluable in the tireless digging to uncover the truth, and the changing of life for the better.
In case you have not seen the movie "Spotlight", it is about the dedication of the Boston Globe's investigative reporters bringing to light the crime of covering up child abuse by the Catholic Church.
Blye worked for seven years to bring the story of "Spotlight" to the screen!
Thank you Reveal! Thank you Trey! Thank you Blye! Thank you all, you do not know how much this means to so many people!
Great job!
Blye Faust, 'passionate about journalism.'
another one.. https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30810834/church-elder-is-jailed-over-sex-abuse/.
a jehovah’s witness elder who sexually assaulted two vulnerable teenagers he met through the church was sentenced to three years jail yesterday over the “destructive” abuse.. david frank pople, 68, met the boys through the safety bay congregation of the church and assaulted them between 1989 and 1996.. one of the teens reported the sexual assaults to elders in 1997 but police were not made aware of the abuse until he filed a police report in 2014.pople was forcibly ejected from the church for being “insufficiently repentant” in 1997 and readmitted the following year at his request.. district court judge troy sweeney accepted pople was genuinely remorseful but said he had interfered with his victims’ natural maturing process in a “very destructive way”.“a message must be sent that child abuse is abhorrent and will not be tolerated by any civilised society,” she said.“they were vulnerable because they were young and because you were a church elder and their boss.”.
when pople admitted assaulting one of the boys during a conversation with an elder in the 1990s, he was told a judicial committee would be formed to deal with the issue.the elders spoke to pople in an apparent attempt to determine his level of remorse and later sent a letter to certain members of the congregation explaining in great detail why he had been ejected.. pople was in his 40s when he assaulted the boys at work, on his yacht and in his shoalwater home.he was close friends with the parents of his first victim and had helped the second victim with his bible studies.. defence lawyer nick scerri told the court pople was candid with the leadership of the church and made “very frank admissions” about some aspects of the offending in 1997.he said his client has been living three lives and was “deeply unhappy” when he assaulted the boys.“he had the life of the family man, the father, the husband,” mr scerri said.
Let's not forget what we saw in the ARC hearings. Orders are orders... WT lawyers, WT "Service Desk" and GB are at the top of this filthy mess.
You would expect people who "follow Christ" to have a conscience, no matter what they are told from the top.... and some do, but emotional blackmail is a powerful tool along with other CULT controls (B.I.T.E. model). https://vimeo.com/58511985
Until more soldiers/elders stop "following commands" or "listen, OBEY" (and be blessed) we will see crimes.... CRIMES..... CRIMES.... being allowed, and children suffering.
today is also my 12th anniversary to my most wonderful wife.
happy valentines day to all of you!!.
Anyone seen the movie “Spotlight”? About the Boston Globe’s uncovering scandal in the Catholic Church? Guess what?
Quotes from Trey's story:
“Blye Faust, one of the film’s producers, recently joined the board of The Center for Investigative Reporting, where I am executive board chairman. We’re thrilled to have someone with us who worked for seven years to bring the “Spotlight” story to the screen and so deeply gets the value of the journalism involved.”
“And on Feb. 20, CIR will release a new episode of “Reveal,” our national, weekly investigative public radio show and podcast, that picks up the Catholic Church abuse scandal where the “Spotlight” film ends. “
…. “ for the past year, CIR has been investigating sexual abuse of children in another closed society, the Jehovah’s Witnesses community, and that group’s attempts to silence the story.”
“This splash of sunlight already is helping people who are looking to change dark and corrosive practices. It’s one of many public service and social justice issues we pursue at any given time.”